Statement from John Podesta in Response to FBI Letter to GOP Congressional Chairmen

In response to the letter sent by FBI Director James Comey to eight Republican committee chairman in Congress, Hillary for America Chair John Podesta released the following statement Friday: “Upon completing this investigation more than three months ago, FBI Director Comey declared no

Hillary Clinton Announces New Details of Middle Class Tax Cut Plan

Clinton Commits to Doubling the Child Tax Credit for Young Children, and Expanding it Further for Middle-Class Families As part of her plan to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, Hillary Clinton is announcing today

Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Address America’s Mental Health Crisis

I believe that together we can make sure that the next generation gets quality mental health care—without shame, without stigma, without barriers. And that we can do so much more to help people right here and now. Hillary, August 29, 2016 More

Chip Evans on Donald Trump being Donald Trump

“I’ve seen the damage caused by seven years of the Obama Administration’s influence over health care, national security, foreign relations, energy, and the economy,” stated Congressman Amodei. “Not to mention the ever-growing list of crippling federal regulations and the lack of transparency

New HRC Radio Ad Features Trump Hotel Staffer Saying Trump Treats Employees like “Second Class Workers”

Today, Hillary for America released a new Spanish language ad, “No es de oro” (All that Glitters Isn’t Gold), featuring a Latina Trump Hotel worker in Las Vegas who recounts  how Trump treats his employees like “second-class workers.” Don’t let the glitzy

HRC’s Vision for An Economy Where Businesses, Workers, and Consumers Grow and Prosper Together

Hillary Clinton believes we need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. But today, there are still powerful interests fighting to protect their own profits and privileges at the expense of everyone else. Too many

Time to Hold Mr. Trump to a “President” Standard instead of an “Entertainer” Standard

That was certainly a low bar! Last night, during the Commander-in-Chief Forum on live national television, Donald Trump kicked off his evening by lying to the American people about his position on the Iraq War — and no one stopped to call