Leaked Document: Apparently It’s OK for the RW But Not for Clinton

A leaked memo from the Director of Congressional Affairs “The State Department’s Office of Inspector General sent a memo to members of Congress discussing the results of an “examination” of records kept on the personal hardware of five previous and current secretaries

Hillary Clinton Announces Aggressive New Plan to Respond to Unjustified Price Hikes for EpiPens and other Long-Available Treatments

Today, Hillary Clinton is announcing a new plan to protect Americans from unjustified price hikes of long-available prescription drugs with limited competition, like EpiPens and pyrimethamine, the drug for a disease related to AIDS that Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of by

Hillary Contrasts Her Policy Agenda w/Trump’s Recording of Putting Himself First and Leaving Small Businesses Hanging

Hillary Clinton hosted a tele-town hall today with small business owners where she discussed her new comprehensive plan to jumpstart small business startup and strengthen small business growth. “I believe when you succeed, families thrive and our nation prospers,” Hillary Clinton said

Hillary Clinton Outlines Dangers of Trump’s Divisive “Alt-Right” Candidacy in Reno

At a speech in Reno on Thursday, Hillary Clinton highlighted Donald Trump and his advisors’ embrace of a hate movement – the disturbing “alt-right” political philosophy.  This “alt-right” brand is embracing extremism and presenting a dystopian view of America, Clinton said, which

Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote for Jill Stein – Tablet Magazine

“At a time when a third of Sanders supporters still haven’t committed to backing Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump in the general election, where every percentage point will matter, Stein’s candidacy looms larger. Many good people are only just discovering her campaign, and wondering

New Analysis: Nevada Could Add 94,000 Jobs Under Clinton, Lose 31,000 Under Trump

Findings Emphasize Contrast Between Clinton’s Plan to Invest in Good-Paying American Jobs and Trump’s Reckless Proposals Hillary for Nevada today is announcing new analysis that shows Nevada could add 94,000 jobs under Hillary Clinton’s economic plans, while it could lose 31,000 jobs

Video from the Convention

Bernie Sanders full speech: First Lady Michelle Obama’s full speech: Minnesota Sen. Al Franken’s full speech: New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s full speech: Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s speech: Michael Bloomberg’s full speech: VP Joe Biden’s full speech: President Barack Obama’s full