Time to Hold Mr. Trump to a “President” Standard instead of an “Entertainer” Standard

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton meets with civil rights leaders at the National Urban League in the Manhattan borough of New York City, February 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Mike Segar - RTX277XM
REUTERS/Mike Segar – RTX277XM

That was certainly a low bar! Last night, during the Commander-in-Chief Forum on live national television, Donald Trump kicked off his evening by lying to the American people about his position on the Iraq War — and no one stopped to call him on it.  Not only did the moderator, Matt Lauer, fail to fact-check Trump — he then kept the conversation moving.

The worst part is, there’s nothing new about this happening. We all know that Trump lies a lot. And we all know that many outlets in the press apparently lack the wherewithal to call him out — and help voters understand that what they’re hearing from Trump isn’t just normal political talk, but an unprecedented descent into unqualified nonsense from a major-party presidential nominee.

At this point, we should understand that we can’t just sit around and wait for fact checkers in the media to keep Trump honest. It’s not going to happen.  Here, watch and see what I mean.

Donald Trump’s vision for the future is terrifying.

  1. He spent a considerable amount of time trashing American military officers, saying that America’s generals have been “reduced to rubble.”
  2. He spoke glowingly of some of the principles animating the Koch Brothers’ campaign to privatize veterans’ health.
  3. When asked about how he’d take resolve problems with military sexual trauma, he reacted saying, “What did you expect when you put men and women in such close proximity?” … as though women don’t belong.
  4. He made a priority of lavishing praise on Vladimir Putin, and irresponsibly spoke specifically about intelligence briefings he’s received since becoming the nominee.
  5. He thinks ISIS would never have arisen if we had just taken the oil when we pre-emptively invaded Iraq under false pretenses.  And, he’d be just find with sending American troops around the globe to plunder enemies’ natural resources, like oil.

We have to stop him.  We need to vote and make sure our friends and family members who are registered to vote make it to the polls to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Are you registered to vote?  If not, you can register online at: https://nvsos.gov/sosvoterservices/Registration/step1.aspx

The Nevada Secretary of State uses a flawed “VoteCheck” system to purge voter registrations of people.  It’s supposed to be verifying based on Name, Social Security Number AND birthdate, however, it gives heavy preference to common names like Hernandez, Fernandez, Ramiros, etc.  In person voter registration closes on October 18th.  Make sure you verify your voter registration is intact and has not been purged prior to October 18th.  You can verify your registration here:  https://nvsos.gov/votersearch/