VP Biden Conf. Call supporting Sen. Reid’s Re-election

This is an exciting month for Organizing for America (OFA) Nevada. Last week, OFA held house meetings across the state with Senator Harry Reid — and this week, OFA  is hosting similar events with Joe Biden, who will join us via conference call.

Tonight, Thursday, May 20th, during the 5-6 PM conference call, Vice President Biden will speak of the importance of re-electing Senator Reid, who has been a crucial ally of President Obama. 

There are even bigger battles ahead, and we need to make sure we send Harry Reid back to Washington, to keep fighting for Nevadans.

I hope you can join us. This is a unique opportunity to get educated and involved — and to hear directly from the Vice President.

Bea Asher will be calling in … you might want to give her a call and see if you can join her for the call.  If, however, you’d like to start your own call, you can register here:    http://nv.barackobama.com/NVBidenHouseMtg