Bill Maher Exposes IRS Forms for Tea Party Members

On Friday night’s episode of “Real Time,” Maher admitted that he’s quite convinced that the IRS was unfairly scrutinizing Tea Party members — and he has the tax forms to prove it. While Maher pokes fun at the GOP’s current scandalmongering, it’s

Pay Attention Folks — It Was the GOP that Demanded AP be Investigated!

— by Vickie Rock, NV Rural Democratic Caucus, 2013-05-14 Have you been paying attention?  The GOP doesn’t think so and they’re trying to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes with this “AP phone records” announcement, as though their fingerprints weren’t anywhere near

Amodei Believes in the GOP Tax-Cut Fairy

Rep. Patrick Tiberi [R-OH12], on Oct 6, 2011, proposed HR 3123, the American Job Creation and Investment Act of 2011.  The title may imply the bill will have some meaningful efforts to promote job creation, but when you read the bill’s description, you’ll quickly learn