The Week Ahead in Congress

The House and Senate return this week, with plans to work on one major piece of legislation — a spending bill for the rest of fiscal year 2013. While the $85 billion sequester went into effect last Friday, neither the House nor Senate has any

Articles I’ve Been Reading: 2013-03-04

THE BOEHNER-QUESTER Sequester: The Finger on the TriggerRichard (RJ) Eskow, Op-Ed: Today is the day the package of budget cuts they call the “Sequester” takes effect. There will be endless postmortems and real-time analyses. But as its draconian effects, there’s one thing

Heller, Tester Introduce Measure to Protect Honor of Military Service

‘Stolen Valor’ Act makes it a crime to profit from lying about military service WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Dean Heller (R-NV) and Jon Tester (D-MT) are joining forces to uphold the honor of military service with the introduction of the Stolen Valor

43 GOP Senators Threaten Obstruction Unless Consumer Protection Bureau Is Weakened

— by Pat Garofalo on Feb 1, 2013 at 5:45 pm When the Dodd-Frank financial reform law first passed, Senate Republicans refused to confirm a director for the newly-created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They promised to block any nominee — regardless of

Heller, Reid Reintroduce Lyon Co. Lands Bill

Yesterday, Nevada Senators Dean Heller and Harry Reid jointly re-introduced the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act of 2012. The two senators formally re-introduced the legislation to ensure its consideration by the Senate in the 113 th Congress. The Lyon County lands bill

Advocacy: Senate Budget Cmtee Wants to Hear from YOU

Senate Committee on the Budget is the committee in the U.S. Senate that is responsible for writing a budget resolution, among other responsibilities. It became a standing committee with the passage of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The