Advocacy: Senate Budget Cmtee Wants to Hear from YOU

Senate Committee on the Budget is the committee in the U.S. Senate that is responsible for writing a budget resolution, among other responsibilities. It became a standing committee with the passage of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

The Senate Committee on the Budget has started soliciting citizen input on budget priorities, check out their solicition page here.

The Senate Budget Committee wants to hear from you:

Share your story
Budget decisions aren’t just about numbers and charts—they have real impacts on real people and communities. I come from a family that depended on programs like food stamps and Pell grants while we struggled to get back on our feet after my dad got Multiple Sclerosis and could no longer work. My mom had to find work after spending years staying home to take care of her seven children. These events impact how I view the role of the federal government, but your stories should be heard too so we can help members of Congress understand what’s at stake for the families and communities they represent. 

What are your budget priorities?
Budgets are all about setting priorities, and we want to hear about yours. Tell us what federal investments and programs you value in the federal budget (ex: safe roads and bridges, affordable college education, a strong national security, etc.). And let us know if there are programs, policies, or tax loopholes that the federal government spends money on that you think it shouldn’t.

Tell us your ideas
We need to cut spending responsibly, strengthen programs like Medicare so they will be there for the next generation, and raise revenue in a fair way from those who can afford it most. There are a lot of ideas out there about how we can accomplish these goals—but as we work to write a budget resolution and tackle our budget challenges, I want to hear what you think.”

Not sure where to start?  Don’t know how the budget’s structured or what’s in it? Check out A People’s Guide to the Federal Budget! ($8.69 on Amazon as an ebook)