November 5th is Bank Transfer Day

First, the banks held the nation hostage as they held onto capital, refused to loan money to small business owners, refused to allow homeowners to equitably refinance their homes, fraudulently robo-signed documentation and foreclosed on millions of homeowners — all while receiving a bailout from the US Government (that would be us) and interest-free loans the federal reserve.  Now, it appears they want to step up their hostage-taking another notch or two by not just refusing to allow ordinary Americans to close their banking accounts with them, but by having them arrested by attempting to do so.

Folks … it’s time to move your money out of the big banks (Citigroup, Chase, Bank of America, etc.) and move it to an unaffiliated local bank or credit union.  If you consider yourself one of the 99%, and if you have your money in one of these mega-banks, OWS (Occupy Wall Street) protesters are asking you to stand with them and transfer you money out of these megabanks on or before November 5th.

Together we can ensure that corrupt crony-capitalist banking institutions will ALWAYS remember the 5th of November! If the 99% removes our funds from major banking institutions to non-profit credit unions on or by this date, we will send a clear message to the 1% that conscious consumers won’t support companies with unethical business practices.

Did you know you don’t even have to go to your bank to transfer your money.  All you need to do is go to your new bank or credit union and do an electronic transfer of funds and closure of the old account.  I learned I could do that years ago whilst in the U.S. Navy.  I’d leave my funds intact in the old account and when I got to my new duty station, I’d set up a new account and give them permission to electronically transfer the funds from my old account to my new account in their bank.  So, if you’re afraid you also might get arrested in the process of doing as those in the following YouTube videos did, just let your new bank do all the work for you.  I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to have the new business.