Beware of Posting Ballot Selfies


In Nevada, photos inside polling places are not allowed, except by the media with permission. Photos of mailed ballots are also banned.

Under Nevada law, “A member of the general public shall not photograph the conduct of voting at a polling place or record the conduct of voting on audiotape or any other means of sound or video reproduction.” Violating the secrecy of a voter’s ballot through photography is also prohibited.

You might ask, “Why is that?”  Well, it all stems from a fear that unscrupulous entities might require a voter to take a picture of their voted ballot in order to receive money in return for their vote.  No picture? No proof.  And, while Nevada statute doesn’t impose a fine for such activities, some states do, up to $1000.00.  Pennsylvania, for example, takes it one step further and can impose a maximum 12-month jail sentence in addition to a $1,000.00 fine.

So, instead of chancing a brush with the law for posting a ballot selfie, consider taking a selfie showing your “I Voted” sticker.

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