Notice of Close of Voter Registration for the Primary Election

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration for the PRIMARY ELECTION to be held on the 14th day of June 2016, will close on Tuesday, the 24th day of May 2016.

If you are NOT currently registered in Humboldt County, you must register by May 15, 2016, (30 days prior to the election) to vote in the Primary election.  Registering after that date will make you ineligible to vote in the Primary Election on June 14, 2016, UNLESS you can show proof of your residence in Humboldt Country for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the Primary Election or as of May 15, 2016.  In which case, you may register by May 24, 2016, and be able to vote in the June 14, 2016 Primary Election.

Electors may register for the ensuing election by appearing before the County Clerk at her office, by appearing before a Deputy Registrar, or at a voter registration agency office (e.g., DMV), by sending in a “mail-in registration” in the manner provided by law, or by registering online at the NV Secretary of State’s Election Center.

Beginning the 15th day of May 2016 through the 24th day of May 2016, a person may register ONLY by appearing in person at the office of the County Clerk/Registrar or online at the NV Secretary of States Election Center website.

If you have had a name change, you need to re-register.  Also if you have moved since registering, you will need to complete a change of address form or re-register.

In addition to normal working hours, the Office of the County Clerk will be open for the purpose of registering people to vote on Monday, May 23, 2016 an Tuesday, May, 24, 2016, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Should you have any questions regarding this Notice, you may contact the Humboldt County Clerk’s Office at (775) 623-6343 or by email at

(County Seal)

Tami Rae Spero, Humboldt County Clerk & Ex-Officio Registrar of Voters
Published in the Humboldt Sun 4/26/2016
Will also be published in the Humboldt Sun on 5/10/2016 and 5/20/2016