Pre-Register NOW for the Humboldt Democratic County Convention

Pre-Register for the Humboldt County Democratic Convention Now!

Humboldt County Democratic Convention will convene on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 10:30 am at French Ford Middle School, 5495 Palisade Dr, Winnemucca, NV

All Delegates, Alternates and Guests (those who attended the caucus but weren’t elected as either Delegates/Alternates at the time) can Pre-Register using EventBrite. Onsite check-In begins at 9:00AM at French Ford Middle School on Saturday, April 2nd. Attendees will need to state their candidate preference when registering to facilitate any necessary upgrades of Alternates to Delegates.

If you’re interested in working on or submitting  Platform planks for the the County/State platforms, you might want to arrive early and share your thoughts with others and seek comments/improvements.  You can find a blank Resolution form here that can be used to compile your plank and then print it out so you can read/share it at the County Convention.  As a courtesy, please consider sharing a copy of your resolution with the County Chair in advance of the Convention by emailing it to

The County Convention will be called to order at 10;30AM. Registration will end promptly at 11:00 AM. Election of Delegates to the NSDP Convention will begin after any and all necessary Alternate to Delegate upgrades have taken place and the number of certified Delegates has been determined.

At the convention, we will accomplish the following:

  1. Elect Delegates to the NV State Democratic Convention (Las Vegas May 13-14)
  2. Elect a slate of County organization leaders who will serve for the upcoming two-year term
  3. Discuss and ratify a Humboldt County Platform Draft
  4. Discuss and recommend platform planks to be considered for inclusion in State/National Platforms

If you were elected as a Precinct Alternate for your candidate of choice, your registration time/date just might get you a Delegate seat at the Humboldt County Democratic Convention should an elected Delegate not show up.  Pre-register NOW to attend the Humboldt County Democratic Convention to lock in the earliest possible registration time/date.

Please order the appropriate free ticket on Eventbrite based on whether you were elected as a Delegate, as an Alternate, or whether you were not elected as either a Delegate or an Alternate.  You will also need to order your ticket based on the candidate choice you expressed at the County Caucus.

— Elected Delegate–Bernie Sanders (53 tickets available)
— Elected Delegate–Hillary Clinton (27 tickets available)
— Elected Alternate–Bernie Sanders (53 tickets available)
— Elected Alternate–Hillary Clinton (27 tickets available)
— Non-Elected Bernie Sanders Supporter/Guest
— Non-Elected Hillary Clinton Supporter/Guest

Convention Rules for Seating Alternates in place of Absent Delegates:
It is the responsibility of the Candidate campaigns to turn out their delegates.  As can be noted above, the voting body according to Delegate elections at the County Caucus consists of 80 Delegates, 53 for Bernie Sanders and 27 for Hillary Clinton.  Limited efforts will be made by the Party to maintain the preference distribution as determined at the County Caucus when elected Precinct Delegates fail to attend the County Convention by replacing the absent Delegate with an Alternate who holds the same candidate preference. Should insufficient Alternates holding the same preference as the absent Delegate be present at the County Convention, the following procedures apply.

If a Precinct Delegate, who was elected at the County Caucus, does not attend the County Convention, an upgrade of an elected Precinct Alternate will be handled as follows:

  1. If there are one or more Alternates present from an absent Delegate’s Precinct expressing the “same” candidate preference as the absent Delegate, the Precinct Alternate from the absent Delegate’s Precinct expressing the same preference who registered first for the County Convention will be elevated to Delegate.
  2. If there are no Alternates present from an absent Delegate’s Precinct who express the “same” candidate preference as the absent Delegate, an Alternate from the same precinct who does NOT express the “same” candidate preference as the absent Delegate will be elevated to Delegate.
  3. If there are insufficient Precinct Alternates to fill Delegate absences, “Guests” from the same precinct who attended the County Caucus, but who were neither elected as a Delegate nor as an Alternate, may be upgraded, in the order of registration (first registered, first considered), regardless of candidate preference.
  4. If there are insufficient Precinct Alternates/Guests to fill the Precinct Delegate absences, that Delegate’s seat will be declared ‘open’ county-wide and will be eligible to be filled first, by any other Precinct Alternate who was not able to be upgraded to Delegate in their own precinct.  Candidate preference will not apply and upgrade to Delegate will be based solely on their date/time of registration.
  5. If ‘all” elected Alternates from “all” County Precincts have been upgraded and there are still open Delegate seats, “Guests” who attended the County Caucus but who were not elected as Delegate or Alternates on the day of the caucus will be considered to fill ANY open seat in ANY precinct on a first come, first considered basis.

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We hope you can make it!