Let the EPA Do Its Job!

Dear Representative Amodei —

There was a time when the Republican part stood for something.  It was  President Richard Nixon who established the Environmental Protection Agency by executive order, and which began operation on December 2, 1970. That order, establishing the EPA, was ratified by committee hearings in both the House and the Senate.  If you still stand for anything, we implore you to PLEASE VOTE NO on any bill that would block the EPA’s ability to do its job, including HR 3826, introduced by Rep. Whitfield.

Power plants are required to limit the amount of mercury, arsenic, lead, soot and other pollution they put in our air and water, and they can do the same for carbon. But we know that polluters will never clean up without a push from the EPA.  Representative Whitfield’s bill would handcuff the EPA from limiting carbon pollution from power plants. Without those limits, polluters will continue to dump an unlimited amount of carbon pollution into our air.

Cleaning up dirty power plants is the strongest step we can take to protect us, and all our grandchildren the Republican party is so fond of professing to protect, from the harmful effects of climate change. Don’t stand in the way of the EPA’s ability to clean up power plants, VOTE NO on HR 3826.

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