House GOP Budget Committee Just Passed Their FY2017 Budget Proposal

The House GOP-dominated Budget Committee held 9 hour markup, with several lawmakers going hoarse and one losing her voice. Democrats offered up 29 amendments, involving immigration reform, prescription drug prices, and equal pay. Every amendment failed, including one proposed by Rep. Debbie

Pelosi Statement on Failed House Republican Veto Override Vote

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after House Republicans failed to override the President’s veto of their budget reconciliation bill to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal the Affordable Care Act: “It is deeply fitting that Republicans chose

Veto Message from the President to the Republiban re: HR3762 ACA Repeal

— by Vickie Rock, Humboldt Democrats After the 62nd vote to repeal “Obamacare” (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) which has now been upheld by the Supreme Court TWICE, the Republiban members of Congress finally managed to pass HR 3762. Inaptly named,

Playing Doctor with Americans’ Lives

Republicans, in both the House and the Senate, are currently colluding to gut Healthcare Reform and deny actual healthcare to millions of women across our nation using a process called Reconciliation.  Reconciliation is an expedited budgetary process that offers some procedural advantages:

Hair Force of One

The Mis-Education Of The Republican Party — by CAP Action War Room The GOP presidential field needs an education, but for the moment their only teacher is Donald Trump. With President Ronald Reagan’s Air Force One casting a shadow over them, eleven

The GOP Circus Just Got a Lot More Interesting

May 4, 2015 | By CAP Action War Room Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson, And Gov. Mike Huckabee Enter Into The 2016 GOP Primary Contest   This week is a big week for out-of-touch conservatives running for president. Over three days, three

If This is What it Means to be “Conservative” — I’m Proudly a Bleeding Heart Liberal

Clearly, members of the GOP in the House are all about looking for ways to handicap ANY organization tasked with performing regulatory actions that might impede their ideological plans for the future of the United States of Republica.  A case in point