A License to Kill

Without environmental regulations, many companies would gladly poison you to earn bigger profits. By David Reingold Regulations stink, right? Lots of politicians run on promises that they’ll get rid of them to make way for an economic boom. Well, have you ever considered

Pledge to resist Keystone XL

The clock is ticking — 45 days and counting — on the most important comment period yet for stopping the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The State Department released its latest report on the pipeline last Friday, and it utterly downplays the

Tell Me Again How Corps Have Our Best Interests at Heart and that Fracking is Good

Just as a fracking operation is starting up in Elko County, and … just as President Obama is getting ready to nominate a new Secretary of Energy to run the Department of Energy, a post on Truth-Out reminds us ‘why’ this appointment

It’s Time Put the Brakes on Exporting Fracked Gas

Nationally — Right now, communities across the country are already fighting the fracking industry for clean air and clean water. And the stakes have gotten even higher with the potential for more fracking — all so the natural gas industry can export

Tell the EPA: We want a REAL Carbon Pollution Standard to fight climate change!

This week, the Environmental Protection Agency held public hearings on its recently proposed rule to limit the carbon pollution freely spewed by power plants that is causing catastrophic climate change. Polluters, especially in the coal industry, will made hyperbolic claims that this