Spending Growth by Presidency

Mitt Romney claims on his campaign website: “Since President Obama assumed office three years ago, federal spending has accelerated at a pace without precedent in recent history.” The truth is, the President’s supposed “spending binge” is nothing but a myth, repeatedly debunked

Media Fail To Fact Check Romney’s Solyndra Speech

It never ceases to amaze me how Republicans can tout their religious superiority yet neglect to follow its teachings.  Were all those now in leadership members of the “Let’s play hookie from Sunday School” club the morning they covered the 9th Commandment

Legal Maximum Donation is $78,500?

Mitt Romney is already selling tickets to his “Presidential Inaugural retreat.” In case you think I’m kidding, I’ve included the letter from Romney’s campaign to big donors. Yesterday, at a private fundraising event, he said the Department of Housing and Urban Development

Romney Energy Policy Full of Empty Rhetoric and Bad Ideas for Americans

In this election alone, Romney has raised more than $750,000 from oil and gas special interests. And to keep those monies flowing into his campaign coffers, h’ss pandering to his Big Oil donors and telling them exactly what they want to hear.

Ryan-Romney Budget Gives Away the Store

Congressman Paul Ryan has finally endorsed Mitt Romney as his preferred candidate for president.   Yeah, like we didn’t expect that coming.  Thus, it should be no surprise that both Romney and Ryan support the same key budget tenets — massive cuts to