In Their Honor

May 23, 2014 | By CAP Action War Room Progressive Policies For Veterans This Memorial Day Memorial Day is a time for relaxation, but also for reflection and remembrance. The day is first and foremost about honoring American service members who are

A Tortured Twist on Ethics

Why isn’t the American Psychological Association pursuing ethics charges against psychologist John Leso for abuses he helped carry out at the Guantánamo prison? — by Yosef Brody George Orwell wisely observed that our understanding of the past, and the meaning associated with

Did I Just Lose Two for Two with Rep. Mark Amodei?

On December 5th, I sent an email to Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV2) regarding my concerns as to “fast-tracking” the  Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) currently being negotiated in secrecy behind closed doors: I view the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a secret “trade” deal being negotiated

Cleaning Up Campaign Finance to Save the Environment

The assault on our democracy is a bigger problem than the temporary closure of national parks. By Michael Brune America’s best idea is in trouble, and I don’t mean our national parks. Yes, our parks were closed, which was a crushing disappointment

Shut Up and Work

We wouldn’t be at this point if Congress had done its job over the last several months. —by Ryan Alexander For the first time in 17 years, Congress failed to provide the funding to keep the entire government running. So now you have

House GOP Gives Runaway CEO Pay Gets a Free Pass

The House Financial Services Committee has just moved to repeal the only statutory provision now on the books that puts real heat on overpaid top executives. — by Sam Pizzigati Only 10% of Americans now have confidence in Congress, Gallup informs us.

A Deceptive Win on Plan B for Women

Our reproductive rights are still in danger. By Kathleen Robin Joyce Good news for advocates of sensible birth control policy: The Obama administration announced that it’s dropping the fight to impose an age restriction on sales of Plan B One-Step, the emergency contraception pill. Reproductive