Nevada Statewide November 2018 Ballot Measures

There are six statewide ballot measures to consider. Two are constitutional  amendments which were previously approved by the voters in 2016. Nevada state law requires that a measure be passed two times, in two even-numbered election years to become a state constitutional amendment. Question 1

I Can’t “Understand” for You

— by Mike Harlos For almost a bit over a year now, I’ve completely avoided political posts.  Today, I took a break from that. Tornillo, TX is on the US/Mexico border. There is a “tent city facility” setup there. The facility is housing

Further Debunking GOP Claims, Small Businesses Say Tax Bill Won’t Bring Benefits to Workers

While corporations are enjoying a permanent tax cut which has mainly benefited their shareholders, small businesses also say the law has done little to even the playing field by Julia Conley, staff writer at Common Dreams Just a few months after President

‘Chilling and Unprecedented’: DHS Reauthorization Bill Would Let Trump Send Secret Service to Polling Places

“This is an alarming proposal which raises the possibility that armed federal agents will be patrolling neighborhood precincts and vote centers,” over a dozen secretaries of state tell Senate leaders. by Andrea Germanos, staff writer at Common Dreams Civil rights advocates and

Assault Weapons Ban Legislation Introduced in the House

Reps. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) and Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) formally introduced a bill on Monday to ban assault weapons.  The legislation, called the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018, would make it “unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign

With Pai’s Net Neutrality Repeal Published, Internet Defenders Prepare for ‘Hell of a Fight’

“Net neutrality is not dead yet, but the clock is ticking for us to save it.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer at Common Dreams Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair Ajit Pai’s net neutrality repeal plan was finally published in the Federal Register on Thursday, but