Heller’s High (or should I say Low) Water on Healthcare

In case you haven’t heard, Senator Dean Heller supports MASSIVE cuts to Medicaid.  In fact, Senator Heller has drug the proverbial tea and has expressed his support for PHASING OUT the Medicaid expansion over the next 7 years. After weeks of denying,

NRDC Lawsuit Prompts EPA to Restore Mercury Protection Rule It Illegally Withdrew

The Environmental Protection Agency today, acting in response to a lawsuit by the Natural Resources Defense Council, reinstated a rule that will protect the public from more than five tons of mercury discharges each year from dental offices across the nation. The

Senate Repeal Bill Would Still Eviscerate Coverage and Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

— by Thomas Huelskoetter and Emily Gee Recent reports indicate that the emerging Senate version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) may not include the House version’s provision permitting states to waive the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) community rating provision, which prevents insurers from charging sick


The Nevada Senate approved an education budget, Senate Bill 544, that funds Nevada’s public school system without funding for private school vouchers. During consideration of the bill, Senate Republicans fled the Legislative Building and failed to vote on the K-12 education budget.