R.I.P. Senator Debbie Smith

Rest in Peace and Strength, Senator Debbie Smith — Our thoughts and prayers, from Democrats all across Nevada, go out to Senator Smith’s family in their time of sorrow. Smith was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015. She had successful surgery to remove

Change an Immigrant’s Life Today

— by Donna De La Cruz We are excited to partner with Revolution English to empower immigrants in the United States by helping them to learn English. Revolution English needs volunteer English Conversation Tutors to have a one-hour conversation session with students

What is the President Looking for in his SCOTUS Nominee?

A Responsibility I Take Seriously — by President Barack Obama The Constitution vests in the President the power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.  It’s a duty that I take seriously, and one that I will fulfill in the weeks ahead.

Now Available: A Library of Opportunity

What if we could ensure that every student, no matter where they live or the income of their parents, could get access to a great book?  What if they had access to not just one book, but a library of thousands of

Meet President Obama’s Nominee for Librarian of Congress

Today, in an email to the White House email list, President Obama announced his nominee for Librarian of Congress. Didn’t get the email? Sign up for updates. Today, I’m nominating someone to be our new Librarian of Congress — the leader of one of our nation’s oldest federal institutions

House Moves On Bills That Would Allow States To Seize Millions Of Acres Of Public Lands

— by Matt Lee-Ashley, ThinkProgress Guest Contributor Less than two weeks after the arrest of Cliven Bundy and the armed militants who were occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, the U.S. House of Representatives will consider three bills that would dispose

An Historic Attempt To Kill Roe v. Wade May Backfire Spectacularly On The Anti-Choice Right

— by IAN MILLHISER, ThinkProgress.org It was supposed to be an epic battle over the fate of Roe v. Wade. Next week, the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a challenge to Texas’s ambitious anti-abortion law HB2. If