‘Great Day for Clean Energy’ as Supreme Court Gives Renewables a Boost

SCOTUS upholds rule meant to incentivize electricity conservation and idle dirty fossil fuel power plants normally used during periods of high demand — by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer “Demand response provides tremendous benefits to our environment, helps consumers save money and makes our

Let’s Put Prison Sentences on Probation

Judges share the blame for America’s burgeoning incarcerated population. — by John Kiriakou You may have heard there’s a growing political movement against mass incarceration. Someone should clue in the judges. In the past 30 years, federal judges have turned to imprisonment

Obama Takes a Walk on the Greener Side

As Nevada short-circuits its solar boom, the White House gets more committed to renewable energy. — by Emily Schwartz Greco Until now, President Barack Obama has embraced gas and oil fracking, encouraged the construction of new nuclear reactors, and hailed government investment

Winnemuccans for Bernie Ramps Up Operation

— Amy Hartman, Field Organizer, Bernie Sanders for President Good afternoon Winnemucca folks for Bernie and thanks to everyone that came to our office opening last Friday. We had a great turnout. Jerry Hirsch was kind enough to take pictures of the

Pausing The Coal Train

— by CAP Action War Room The Obama Administration Announces Overhaul Of Federal Coal Leasing Program The last time rules for coal mining on tax-payer public lands were updated, smoking was allowed on airplanes, airbags weren’t required in cars, and sewage was