States Act To Expand Voting Rights For Citizens

There have been a number of positive developments in the states on other issues, including efforts to expand voting access.  Here’s a run-down of some of the best from the last few weeks: 1. Wisconsin: Federal Judge Strikes Down Voter ID Law, Finds That

HumboldtDems County Convention / Primary Election

HumboldtDems County Convention Saturday, May 3, 2014, 10:00 – 11:30 AM French Ford Middle School, 5495 Palisade Dr, Winnemucca, NV 89445 Vote on the 2014 Democratic County Party Platform: The proposed platform for Humboldt County will be heard and discussed at the

PFAW Praises Senate for This Week’s Action on Judicial Confirmations

After a two week recess, the Senate has made significant progress in judicial confirmations on its first week back. This is not due to a drop in Republican obstruction, but instead to Majority Leader Harry Reid’s determination to overcome that obstruction. Only

Dash Cam Video Exposes Humbolt Deputy Abusing Already Abused State Forfeiture Law

Reading about state forfeiture laws that allow cops to seize money from citizens who have not broken any laws is infuriating as it is. But watching it done on dash cam is absolutely enraging. Especially when Humboldt County deputy Lee Dove gives a driver