Victims Of Foreclosure Fraud Can’t Cash Reimbursement Checks

— by Sarah Edelman, Guest Blogger on Apr 17, 2013 at 3:48 pm Could federal regulators and their cast of private contractors possibly do a worse job of getting relief to families who were wronged during the foreclosure crisis? First, private contractors

Transplanting Taxes from Corporations to the Rest of Us

American taxpayers are increasingly picking up the tab for unpaid corporate taxes. — by Scott Klinger Today, corporate profits are setting all-time records while middle class families continue to struggle financially. These trends are intertwined. Whether you’ve clicked to send your tax

It’s Official — Fox News Just Hit Rock Bottom. Hard And Repeatedly

— by Rollie Williams, on Upworthy I’m not sure which show makes more sense to be on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart is a pretty funny dude, but smart money says the real comedic geniuses are working at Fox News (buried deep inside the

Fracking Free Speech

The gagged townspeople of Sanford, New York are suing their town board over the infringement of their First Amendment rights. — by Jim Hightower It’s one thing for Big Oil to bust into our communities, groundwater, and economic well-being with the hydraulic

ExxonMobil’s Mayflower Mess

Tar sands crude is both more toxic and much harder to clean than ordinary oil. — By Michael Brune Several weeks after ExxonMobil’s Pegasus pipeline gushed at least 500,000 gallons of tar sands crude and water into the Arkansas community of Mayflower,

Measuring Progress

Maryland’s government is embracing an alternative way to monitor the state’s well-being called the Genuine Progress Indicator, which brings depth to the analysis of the state’s economic growth. By Daphne Wysham Tent cities and shacks sprung up on empty lots across the

Our Biggest Terrorist Threat

Senate inaction on guns was inexcusable in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing. — by Marc Morial Acts of terror like the ones committed at the Boston Marathon are reprehensible and lack moral or logical explanation. They rock us to our