Statement: Introduction of Obamacare Repeal Resolution

Today, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following statement after the Obamacare repeal resolution was introduced in the Senate: “This is the first step toward relief for Americans struggling under Obamacare. This resolution sets the stage for repeal followed by a stable transition

Trump vs. Public Citizens

— by Robert Weissman — President, Public Citizen Here’s the strategy: We will uncover the corruption in everything Donald Trump does. We will call out Trump’s wholesale handover of our government to Big Business. We will expose Trump for his complete and utter betrayal of

Don’t take Trump literally, take him symbolically? … Surprise!

For all those middle class voters who “wanted a change” and “someone to shake up the system,” they’re about to get what they wished for.  The only problem is that now that the Republicans have complete control of government, they’re getting ready

Joe Heck Attempting to Hide His Record of Working to Take Away Nevadans’ Healthcare

In Congress, Dr. Joe Heck introduced legislation to “fully repeal” (without any replacement) what he claims is “the unsustainable ACA.” He also voted 37 times to eliminate the Affordable Care Act altogether. Congressman Joe Heck recently met with the Reno Gazette Journal’s Editorial

Dr. Joe Heck Prioritizes Politics over Patients

Joe Heck may be a doctor, but he doesn’t vote like one. He votes like a Washington Republican. He voted eight times to defund Planned Parenthood’s basic services, denying thousands of women coverage for cancer screenings and preventive care. He even voted

The Obama Health Care Legacy: More Coverage and Less Spending

—by Harry Stein On March 24, the Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, published data that surprised even the staunchest advocates for health care reform: New estimates show that total federal spending in fiscal year 2016 for major health care programs will be

House GOP Budget Committee Just Passed Their FY2017 Budget Proposal

The House GOP-dominated Budget Committee held 9 hour markup, with several lawmakers going hoarse and one losing her voice. Democrats offered up 29 amendments, involving immigration reform, prescription drug prices, and equal pay. Every amendment failed, including one proposed by Rep. Debbie

Veto Message from the President to the Republiban re: HR3762 ACA Repeal

— by Vickie Rock, Humboldt Democrats After the 62nd vote to repeal “Obamacare” (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) which has now been upheld by the Supreme Court TWICE, the Republiban members of Congress finally managed to pass HR 3762. Inaptly named,

Playing Doctor with Americans’ Lives

Republicans, in both the House and the Senate, are currently colluding to gut Healthcare Reform and deny actual healthcare to millions of women across our nation using a process called Reconciliation.  Reconciliation is an expedited budgetary process that offers some procedural advantages:

This Week’s Democratic Campaigns and GOP Agitprop

Joe Biden will Not Run for President Swipe Right for Hillary Bernie Sanders Explains Social Security O’Malley on the Need for New Leadership   Clinton vs. Sanders vs. O’Malley On Fixing Banking How do we fix Wall Street, a.k.a. “the banks”? How