Interior Department Protects Special Areas within National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

In case you missed the big news this week, a staggering 11 MILLION ACRES of the most important wildlife habitat in the Western Arctic gained protection in a move hailed by conservation groups and Alaska Natives. The Western Arctic – the largest

Tell Me Again How Corps Have Our Best Interests at Heart and that Fracking is Good

Just as a fracking operation is starting up in Elko County, and … just as President Obama is getting ready to nominate a new Secretary of Energy to run the Department of Energy, a post on Truth-Out reminds us ‘why’ this appointment

PBO Needs to Put His Appointment Where His Mouth Is

Tell President Obama: Don’t appoint fracking proponent Dr. Ernest Moniz to lead the Department of Energy President Obama keeps saying we need to confront climate change. Yet it’s rumored he’s considering nominating Dr. Ernest Moniz to lead DOE.  “As a proponent of

Speak Out Against Fracking in Nevada

Fracking is a dangerous method of oil and gas extraction that contaminates water and puts nearby residents at risk of serious illnesses, including cancer and asthma. And it’s coming to Nevada. As if fracking could get any worse for arid Nevada, each

University Research, Sold Out

The energy industry and Big Agribusiness are distorting academic research by wielding corporate influence. — by Wenonah Hauter In 1862, the federal government created the land-grant university system to produce critical agricultural research. Since then, America has relied on these schools to

2012-11-27: What I’ve Been Reading Today

  Military Women Challenge Combat Exclusion Rule In Lawsuit Against Defense Department Molly O’Toole | HuffPost: A first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, a captain in the Marine Corps Reserves, a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves and a major

2012-11-26: What I’ve Been Reading

Tax Rates For America’s Wealthiest Fell In 2010 Travis Waldron | News Report: Low capital gains rates have helped the wealthy pay lower and lower tax rates even as their incomes have skyrocketed. And while capital gains income makes up almost half

2012-11-25: What I’ve Been Reading

Why Is the Obama FCC Plotting a Massive Giveaway to Rupert Murdoch? Craig Aaron, Op-Ed: “We can still stop this terrible plan from moving forward. The other members of the FCC can dissent and send this thing back to the drawing board.

Ohio Fracking Wastewater Test Reveals Toxic Mess

— by Beth Buczynski, originally published on Care2 | July 8, 2012 The natural gas industry, and it’s supporting case of puppet politicians, continue to claim that fracking has no negative impact on the environment or local drinking water supplies. There are many incidents of