Sequestration, the Pentagon, and the States

Sequestration, the Pentagon, and the States offers selected state-level briefs focused on the local impact of looming automatic across-the-board federal spending cuts known as sequestration and historically high levels of Pentagon spending. On March 1, unless Congress acts, billions of dollars will

Why Use a Bludgeon When a Calculator Will Do?

Some lawmakers have an almost-mythical resistance to raising revenue at a moment when affluent individuals and big corporations have the lowest tax burden in more than half a century. — by Jo Comerford Sequestration is both ugly and hard to explain. As

Hope and Change Fade, but War Endures—Seven Reasons Why We Can’t Stop Making War

— by William J. Astore If one quality characterizes our wars today, it’s their endurance.  They never seem to end.  Though war itself may not be an American inevitability, these days many factors combine to make constant war an American near certainty. 

Fixing the Budget by $6.2T over 10 years

— by Connect the Dots USA on Facebook Instead of attacking struggling seniors, veterans, children and the working poor by slowing the inflation growth rate of an average $1,200/month Social Security check, shifting more healthcare costs to 65 and 66-year-olds and their employers, or slashing

Bernie Sanders: The People Have Spoken

As I’m sure you are aware, there is currently a major effort being waged by Wall Street CEOs, Republicans and some Democrats to do deficit reduction on the backs of the middle class and working families. This could mean, among other things,

To Move Forward, We Must Learn from Our Progressive Past

Yesterday’s ideas about curbing the ultra-rich’s power remain just as relevant as ever. By Sam Pizzigati Our contemporary billionaires, most Americans would agree, are exploiting our labor and polluting our politics. Can we shrink our super rich down to a less powerful

A Pension Deficit Disorder

Beware of wealthy CEOs who are lecturing the rest of us about tightening our belts. By Scott Klinger While America’s CEOs are fretting about the government’s so-called "fiscal cliff," millions of American workers face a financial disaster that gets much less media

Don’t Cut Our Kids Out of the Budget

America’s security and prosperity depend on our children’s ability to drive the economy of the future. By Marian Wright Edelman Barack Obama won his re-election fight because Americans who are committed to moving forward turned out in record numbers to vote, especially

2012-11-27: What I’ve Been Reading Today

  Military Women Challenge Combat Exclusion Rule In Lawsuit Against Defense Department Molly O’Toole | HuffPost: A first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, a captain in the Marine Corps Reserves, a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves and a major