Waivers and Pardons? Mounting Ethics Concerns for Trump’s Ultra-Wealthy Cabinet

President-elect could present a waiver, to the tune of $150 million, if Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson balks at selling stock by Lauren McCauley, staff writer at Common Dreams One hundred million dollar waivers? Presidential pardons? With yet another billionaire appointed to a

As Horrifically Crazy As This Is, It’s Still Not The Onion

These days, the news is so unthinkable it almost seems fake … like fodder for The Onion. If only it was funny and not frightening as hell. Steve Bannon, an extreme-right, white nationalist and Breitbart publisher has been tapped for trump’s chief

To Defend Democracy, We Must Demand Financial Transparency from Trump

From executive appointments to policy, understanding Trump’s personal financial interests will be essential to judging his adminstration — by Jeff Hauser As we hear of a settlement in the “Trump University” civil fraud case brought in part by New York State Attorney General

FACT CHECK: Heck on Taxes and the Federal Budget

Heck voted to give tax breaks to the wealth and large corporations while stiffing his constituents back home and our diplomats overseas. Joe Heck supports policies that increase taxes on the middle class while lowering taxes on the wealthy. Joe Heck sponsored