Media Fail To Fact Check Romney’s Solyndra Speech

It never ceases to amaze me how Republicans can tout their religious superiority yet neglect to follow its teachings.  Were all those now in leadership members of the “Let’s play hookie from Sunday School” club the morning they covered the 9th Commandment

Can Rep. Amodei Read? Is he Functionally Illiterate?

On 4/5/2012 I wrote to Rep. Mark Amodei in opposition laying out my reasoning why he should OPPOSE passage of H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012: Dear Rep. Mark Amodei: I OPPOSE PASSAGE of H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act

Legal Maximum Donation is $78,500?

Mitt Romney is already selling tickets to his “Presidential Inaugural retreat.” In case you think I’m kidding, I’ve included the letter from Romney’s campaign to big donors. Yesterday, at a private fundraising event, he said the Department of Housing and Urban Development