Has Senator Heller Committed Seditious Conspiracy Along Side 46 Other Senators?

I awoke this morning to hear that 47 U.S. Senators had signed a letter to the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran basically telling them (1) not to trust our nation’s President to negotiate an agreement as to Iran’s nuclear program,

Boo: Senator Heller Voted “AYE” to Nix PBO’s Immigration Executive Order

— Zach Hudson, NVDEMs spokesperson. Senator Heller, who talks about “Anchor Babies,” cast his vote yesterday to kill Immigration Executive Action, eagerly hoping to be able to deport thousands of Nevada Immigrants.  He, however, voted on the losing side of that argument with

Sen Heller Betrays NV’s Women; Votes to Filibuster Hobby Lobby Fix

When the Supreme Court made the terrible decision to allow corporations like Hobby Lobby to discriminate against women, members of Congress were ready to fight back to defend women’s access to birth control. Senators Murray, Udall and Boxer quickly introduced a bill

#ItsNotUpToThem Week

— Roberta Lange, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair A few weeks ago, the United States Supreme Court issued a backwards ruling that allows for-profit corporate CEOs to make medical decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor.  That’s right –

It’s Corruption … and Corruption is Corruption!

— by Sen. Bernie Sanders When I read the Supreme Court’s McCutcheon decision, I had to ask myself a question: What democracy is Chief Justice John Roberts living in? Because it doesn’t look anything like ours. In McCutcheon, just like in Citizens

Party Of The 1% Filibustered Debate on Minimum Wage Increase

—by CAP Action War Room Like CAP Action on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! GOP Senators Vote Against Working Americans And Block Minimum Wage Increase A minority of 41 Senators, all Republicans (and YES, that includes Sen. Dean Heller), voted today

PFAW Praises Senate for This Week’s Action on Judicial Confirmations

After a two week recess, the Senate has made significant progress in judicial confirmations on its first week back. This is not due to a drop in Republican obstruction, but instead to Majority Leader Harry Reid’s determination to overcome that obstruction. Only

11 Things The Senate Should Remember While Voting On The Minimum Wage

— by CAP Action War Room After returning from a two-week recess, the Senate is planning to vote on raising the minimum wage to $10.10 this Wednesday. The bill, called the “Minimum Wage Fairness Act,” needs 60 votes to advance thanks to the de

It’s Time for Voters to Take Out the Senatorial Trash

— by Vickie Rock, Humboldt Dems Secretary and proud Navy Veteran Today, S1982 came up for a vote in the Senate. S1982 is the Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014.  S1982 amends federal veterans provisions