Gutting Protections for Working People?

Concerns are rising that Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are preparing to revoke a suite of Obama-era executive orders that have provided basic protections for U.S. workers. These executive orders raise wages, improve worker safety, and help ensure that taxpayer dollars

State Senator Ruben Kihuen’s Statement on Govenor Scott Walker’s Attack on Worker’s Rights

Ruben Kihuen, State Senator and Candidate for U.S. Congress in Nevada’s 4th District, released the following statement regarding Governor Scott Walker’s plan attacking worker’s rights released today in Las Vegas: “Governor Walker’s assault on worker’s rights as an attempt to jump start

CPAC: Out of the Mouths of Potential 2016 GOP Candidates

— by CAP Action War Room 5 Backwards and Out-of-Touch Comments From CPAC 2015 Earlier this week, we covered some of the rhetoric you could expect to hear at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, that started Wednesday and runs through