Heller’s High (or should I say Low) Water on Healthcare

In case you haven’t heard, Senator Dean Heller supports MASSIVE cuts to Medicaid.  In fact, Senator Heller has drug the proverbial tea and has expressed his support for PHASING OUT the Medicaid expansion over the next 7 years. After weeks of denying,

Debunking the GOP Myth: Selling Insurance Across State Lines

— by Vickie Rock Have you noticed of late, that one Republican after another is proclaiming that “if only” we remove federal impediments and allow Insurance Companies to “sell insurance across state lines” costs for insurance will magically go down?  UHHH, NO!

Even Without CBO Score, the Republican Healthcare Plan Gets Bad Marks

Multiple American Healthcare Act (AHCA) analyses show millions losing coverage while costs increase for vulnerable Americans by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer at Common Dreams As the Trump administration continued on Friday to downplay a forthcoming cost analysis of the GOP’s healthcare plan, independent assessments

Ummm — That’s How “Insurance” is Supposed to Work!

I find it depressing that Speaker Ryan actually said: “The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the … sick. It’s not working, and that’s why it’s in a death spiral.” Ummm … that’s the way Insurance

#TrumpedUpCare Losers: Those Using Long-Term Care Under Medicaid

Rep. Joe Kennedy III speaking at 4:15AM this morning on the impact of the Republican’s #TrumpedUpCare bill on those who receive Medicaid benefits for #LongTermCare ….so much for Republicans NOT picking “winners and losers” … about 6.9 MILLION seniors across America who