An Open Letter from a Liberal

Really?  You’re shocked to discover I’m a liberal?  I’ve always been a liberal, but that doesn’t mean what a lot of you apparently think it does. Some of you suspected. Some of you were shocked. Many of you have known me for

Suing the President

Our newly inaugurated president has vowed to repeal 75 percent of all federal regulations, you know those regulations that protect our air, water, food we eat, drugs we take, etc.  As a first step, he release an Executive Edict mandating that federal agencies shall repeal

An Overdue Fix to Overtime

Businesses are blurring the distinction between hourly and salaried employees in order to bolster their bottom-line profits. — by Richard Kirsch There are a lot of ways that businesses are squeezing worker pay. Here’s a big one. On the one hand, millions