What We Know & Don’t Know About Reconciliation & AHCA

— Vickie Rock Press Secretary Sean Pricer made a big deal about the size of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) in comparison to the Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPACA) which is also called the ACA or by its GOP nickname, “Obamacare.”

In One Night, the GOP Voted to Take Away These Essential Health Benefits

Republican Grim Reapers just showed us exactly where they stand! — by Melissa Boteach and Jeremy Slevin (with embellishments from this site’s editor) Last night while you were sleeping, the Senate debated and ultimately passed a budget resolution that provides a pathway

Playing Doctor with Americans’ Lives

Republicans, in both the House and the Senate, are currently colluding to gut Healthcare Reform and deny actual healthcare to millions of women across our nation using a process called Reconciliation.  Reconciliation is an expedited budgetary process that offers some procedural advantages: