Republican Budget Seriously Slashed Medicare by $4.73B

Medicare is a fundamental tool of economic security – a guarantee that seniors will not be denied health care just because they cannot afford it. But Republicans in the House, led by Paul Ryan, just voted for a budget plan (HR553) (Roll Call

After picking her pocket—Paul Ryan/Tom Price/GOP *do* plan to throw grandma off a cliff

Five years ago, a PAC called “The Agenda Project” released a TV ad, warning that GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan had a plan to wipe out the current Medicare system, voucherize it with a plan where seniors would be given a flat dollar voucher amount and thrown to

Trump vs. Public Citizens

— by Robert Weissman — President, Public Citizen Here’s the strategy: We will uncover the corruption in everything Donald Trump does. We will call out Trump’s wholesale handover of our government to Big Business. We will expose Trump for his complete and utter betrayal of

The Five-Step Process to Privatize Everything

— by Paul Buchheit Law enforcement, education, health care, water management, government itself — all have been or are being privatized. People with money get the best of each service. At the heart of privatization is a disdain for government and a