On the AHCA Secrecy and the Character of our Country

— by Barack Obama, POTUS-44 Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize

Senate Repeal Bill Would Still Eviscerate Coverage and Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

— by Thomas Huelskoetter and Emily Gee Recent reports indicate that the emerging Senate version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) may not include the House version’s provision permitting states to waive the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) community rating provision, which prevents insurers from charging sick

So — What Did It Take to Buy Rep. Mark Amodei’s Vote FOR passage of #AHCA

It’s amazing the difference a week can make.  Last week Rep. Mark Amodei was a “NO” on passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), H.R. 1628. I’m not sure what he was offered to buy is “YEA” vote, but it must have been

“Trillion Dollar Fraudsters”: We’re Looking At An Enormous, Destructive Republican Con Job, And You Should Be Very, Very Angry

Reblogged from mykeystrokes.com: By now it’s a Republican Party tradition: Every year the party produces a budget that allegedly slashes deficits, but which turns out to contain a trillion-dollar “magic asterisk” — a line that promises huge spending cuts and/or revenue increases,

The GOP’s Unaffordable WeDon’tCare Act

The GOP’s belated solution to the nation’s health insurance challenges just makes working families pay more. — by Emily Schwartz Greco Remember when it looked like the Republican Party could do nothing but stamp its feet and shout about the Affordable Care

Oklahoma Woman Tells GOP Lawmakers: Without Obamacare, ‘I Will Be Dead Before My 27th Birthday’

BY TARA CULP-RESSLER ON OCTOBER 7, 2013 26-year-old Kendall Brown [CREDIT: COURTESY OF KENDALL BROWN] As the deadline approached for Congress to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, Republicans refused to strike a deal unless it defunded or delayed Obamacare.

The Truth about Obamacare

—Don Rogers, Jack Rabbit Ranch blog Well, I can see it’s going to be a bad six weeks. I just heard a paid TV advertisement for people to call their Congressman and urge him to oppose funding Obamacare, because the President is exempt. I

Disregard Those AFP Scare-Ads for Healthcare Answers

Americans for Prosperity have begun running “scare” ads to convince people to take action against their own interests.  Their goal to lie about what Obamacare does or doesn’t offer in an attempt to get them to support #GOP plan to gut healthcare