Is O’Malley an Environmental Champion?

The former Maryland governor’s record is inconsistently green, at best. — by Alissa Weinman Commanding the backing of only 2 percent of Democrats in national polls, Martin O’Malley isn’t exactly a big contender in his quest to become the party’s presidential nominee.

It’s Women’s History Month—So Naturally—Republicans Wage Sneak Attack

By CAP Action War Room The Latest Ploy in The Ongoing Attack on Women’s Health Women’s access to basic health care continues to be under attack at both the state and federal level. The most recent threat came this week when Republican


How Gun Violence Affects Women and Four Policy Solutions to Better Protect Them Weak gun laws at the federal and state levels leave far too many women facing a fatal end to domestic abuse. — by Arkadi Gerney and Chelsea Parsons  from

4.683 Million Unanswered Questions in Halbig

Appeals will continue, but let’s take the Halbig decision at face value. How much will this decision cost the working poor? The amount varies with income and other variables, but for a 40 year old individual making $30,000 a year, the tax credit was

How Politicians Are Using Taxpayer Money To Fund Their Campaign and To Sell Off America’s Public Lands

— by Matt Lee-Ashley, Guest Contributor at ThinkProgress-Climate The recent Cliven Bundy debacle in Nevada put a national spotlight on the long-running, and long-failing, effort by right-wing Western legislators to seize federal public lands and either turn them over to the states or sell

Drought-Stricken New Mexico Farmers Drain Aquifer To Sell Water For Fracking

Just for reference sake, Humboldt County, NV is currently classified as ‘D3 Drought – Extreme’ and the USDA has designated Elko County as a primary natural disaster area due to damages and losses caused by drought, yet Governor Sandoval is considering green-lighting

State-by-State Reports: The Economic Benefits of Fixing Our Broken Immigration System

— by Megan Slack, August 01, 2013 America has always been a nation of immigrants, and throughout the nation’s history, immigrants from around the globe have kept our workforce vibrant, our businesses on the cutting edge, and helped to build the greatest