Falsehoods and Incoherence

If there’s one thing we can say about Trump’s presidency, it’s that it foments lies – blatant, continuous, and unsubstantiated lies.  Advance forward through his first 100 days, and his most recent AP interview and here are 16 falsehoods he perpetrated on

45 – Week #1: DO AS I SAY!

President Trump signed many executive actions this week in a wide range of policy areas. In general, these orders and memos explain to executive branch employees what to prioritize and how. In some areas, Congress has given the executive branch explicit authority to

Supreme Court on DACA Tied 4/4 (Updated)

The Republican Congress has done everything possible to NOT to address effective and efficient Immigration Reform legislation.  And to assure that NOTHING happens, 113 Republicans chose to use our limited tax dollars to sue the President for attempting to take whatever action he