Gutting Climate Protections Won’t Bring Back Coal Jobs

Trump is using sympathetic out-of-work miners as a cover for what is really just a handout to dirty industry. — by Jill Richardson When Barack Obama announced the Clean Power Plan, Scientific American used his own words to criticize it for not going

How Can DJT Make America Great If He Works to Exacerbate Climate Change?

According to a survey from the Conservative Energy Network (CEN), there is strong conservative support for renewable energy. The survey found that there is majority support for solar power and state net metering rules. Seventy percent of respondents also said the U.S.

Obama Takes a Walk on the Greener Side

As Nevada short-circuits its solar boom, the White House gets more committed to renewable energy. — by Emily Schwartz Greco Until now, President Barack Obama has embraced gas and oil fracking, encouraged the construction of new nuclear reactors, and hailed government investment

Pausing The Coal Train

— by CAP Action War Room The Obama Administration Announces Overhaul Of Federal Coal Leasing Program The last time rules for coal mining on tax-payer public lands were updated, smoking was allowed on airplanes, airbags weren’t required in cars, and sewage was

Shell Annual Report Delivers A Fossil-Fueled Bombshell

Believe it or not, Shell — of all companies — gets it. — By Brett Fleishman Royal Dutch Shell buried a bombshell in its recently released 2013 annual report. Amid 200 pages of predictably and mind-numbingly dry text, the world’s seventh-largest oil