Grand Bargain or Raw Deal?

Many elderly Americans are close enough to poverty’s edge that Social Security cuts of any size could push them over the brink. — By Peter Hart Following the government shutdown drama, politicians in Washington appear hopelessly divided, according to conventional wisdom. Fair

We’re Not Broke — We’ve Been Robbed

Slashing government spending now is just going to make our nation poorer. By Richard Kirsch With the Friday the 13th December deadline for a federal budget deal, the cries of “we’re broke,” and “we can’t afford to keep spending,” are ringing again.

What I’ve Been Reading Lately— Monday, 3/25/2013

Lean in, Women; Corporations and Government, Brush Off Your Hands Veena Trehan, Op-Ed: Fifty years ago, Betty Friedan’s “Feminine Mystique” explained how wives were not fulfilled by homemaking and childbearing. Woman couldn’t get credit, were fired when their pregnancy showed and held

What the American People Did NOT Choose

Mar 11, 2013 | By ThinkProgress War Room 6 Things Americans Did Not Vote for in 2012 Tomorrow, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) will release the latest version of his infamous Republican budget plan — you know, the one that ends Medicare as we know