Heller’s High (or should I say Low) Water on Healthcare

In case you haven’t heard, Senator Dean Heller supports MASSIVE cuts to Medicaid.  In fact, Senator Heller has drug the proverbial tea and has expressed his support for PHASING OUT the Medicaid expansion over the next 7 years. After weeks of denying,

Senate Repeal Bill Would Still Eviscerate Coverage and Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

— by Thomas Huelskoetter and Emily Gee Recent reports indicate that the emerging Senate version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) may not include the House version’s provision permitting states to waive the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) community rating provision, which prevents insurers from charging sick

So — What Did It Take to Buy Rep. Mark Amodei’s Vote FOR passage of #AHCA

It’s amazing the difference a week can make.  Last week Rep. Mark Amodei was a “NO” on passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), H.R. 1628. I’m not sure what he was offered to buy is “YEA” vote, but it must have been

Debunking the GOP Myth: Selling Insurance Across State Lines

— by Vickie Rock Have you noticed of late, that one Republican after another is proclaiming that “if only” we remove federal impediments and allow Insurance Companies to “sell insurance across state lines” costs for insurance will magically go down?  UHHH, NO!

AMA Physicians Reject House ACA Replacement Bill

Andrew W. Gurman, MD President American Medical Association @AndyGurmanMD The American Health Care Act (AHCA), released by Congress this week, is intended to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But as introduced, it does not align with the health reform

Ummm — That’s How “Insurance” is Supposed to Work!

I find it depressing that Speaker Ryan actually said: “The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the … sick. It’s not working, and that’s why it’s in a death spiral.” Ummm … that’s the way Insurance

Oppose Nomination of Rep. Tom Price as HHS Secretary

— by Nicole Regalado, Credo Campaign Manager We don’t know all the details of Donald Trump’s plans for America yet but one thing’s clear: If you’re not male, wealthy or heterosexual, Trump’s extreme right-wing administration won’t have your back when it comes to accessing

Don’t take Trump literally, take him symbolically? … Surprise!

For all those middle class voters who “wanted a change” and “someone to shake up the system,” they’re about to get what they wished for.  The only problem is that now that the Republicans have complete control of government, they’re getting ready

Joe Heck Attempting to Hide His Record of Working to Take Away Nevadans’ Healthcare

In Congress, Dr. Joe Heck introduced legislation to “fully repeal” (without any replacement) what he claims is “the unsustainable ACA.” He also voted 37 times to eliminate the Affordable Care Act altogether. Congressman Joe Heck recently met with the Reno Gazette Journal’s Editorial

The Obama Health Care Legacy: More Coverage and Less Spending

—by Harry Stein On March 24, the Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, published data that surprised even the staunchest advocates for health care reform: New estimates show that total federal spending in fiscal year 2016 for major health care programs will be