Does Rep. Amodei Represent You?

I have a OneNote Notebook devoted to letters I’ve written to Rep. Amodei and responses I’ve received from him, all of which basically say, “I’m so glad to represent your interests” … right before he heads into the chamber to vote the exact opposite of the way I implored him to vote.  Most of the “canned” responses I received for my efforts to communicate with him had only a vague resemblance to the topic I took the time to write him about.  But, you be the judge and see what you think:


If you’re looking for representation on issues of importance to you, then it’s time for a change. It’s time to finally elect a Democratic candidate to represent Nevada’s Congressional District 2 … for the first time ever! Check him out and then head to the voting booth to cast your vote for Chip Evans. Let’s dump that corporatist, lands bill Mark Amodei in favor of real representation.
