A Look Back At Some of Heck’s Very Own Racially Charged and Sexist Comments

Heck’s Aides Are Not The Only Ones Making Offensive Comments

Two of Congressman Heck’s long-time aides, Tom McAllister and Mark Ciavola, are facing criticism from the Nevada Latino community after disparaging Catherine Cortez Masto’s Mexican heritage. It’s been a while now since McAllister and Ciavola attacked Cortez Masto’s background and accused her of “hispandering,” and Congressman Heck has commented but refused to apologize for the attacks by his trusted advisors. As such, one could argue that would warrant a look back at some of Congressman Heck’s own history of racially charged actions and sexist comments.  You be the judge as to why Congressman Heck may not think these comments are as outrageous as they truly are:

  1. Congressman Heck sponsored a bill to make English the official language of Nevada, requiring all State documents to be prepared in English. Heck’s bill was racist and discriminates against Hispanics and Filipino Nevadans.
  2. Congressman Heck said ending birthright citizenship of “anchor babies” should be part of immigration reform and has said that birthright citizenship encourages illegal immigration.
  3. Congressman Heck (a medical doctor) does not support requiring insurance companies to provide coverage for a vaccination for some types of cervical cancer, because “three of the major risk factors are behavioral.”
  4. Congressman Heck once told a group of Nevadans that Muslims in Michigan “have tried to implement their version of sharia law,” even though the claim had come from a satirical website and was debunked six years ago!
  5. When asked about noted birther Wayne Allyn Root’s comments questioning President Obama’s college records, Heck said President Obama should “open up those records and lets actually see how you matriculated and how you were able to afford going to an ivy league school.”
  6.  And last, but certainly not least, Congressman Heck has “high hopes” for a Trump presidency, and supports Trump despite the hundreds of offensive comments Trump has made – including calling Mexicans “rapists” and “criminals;” insulting and denigrating women publicly for his entire adult life (some insults include: pig, fat, bimbo, gold-digger); and telling African Americans to vote for him because they have nothing to lose.

“Tom McAllister and Mark Ciavola’s attacks are not too far off comments Congressman Heck has made himself,” said Mairead Lynn, spokesperson for the Nevada Democratic Party. “Clearly there is a culture of intolerance in the Heck camp that begins with Congressman Heck. Nevadans deserve to be represented by someone who respects and welcomes diversity in the Silver state, not someone who discriminates against anyone who doesn’t look like him.”