Meeting Minutes: 2009-02-11

The February 2009 meeting of the HCDCC was called to order by Chairman Don Rogers on February 11, 2009.  Nicki Schumacher stood in as acting Secretary/Treasurer in the excused absence of Vickie Rock.
Previous Mtg. Minutes:
The previous meeting’s minutes were presented and approved as written.  Moved by Roger Rock and Seconded by Lorainne Giurlani.
Treasurer’s Reports:
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved as presented.  Moved by Gordon Schumacher and Seconded by Roger Rock.
New Business — Dee Holzel asked if HCDCC would be interested in volunteering to provide one Tuesday a month the the Ministerial Assoc. Soup Lunch that is served through the month of June.  Discussion provided no clear volunteer that would take on the activity.  Dee will be serving next Tuesday, Feb. 17 from noon to 1 pm, and volunteers were requested to help.  Lorainne Giurlani and Patrick Henigan indicated that they would be there.
Gordon Schumacher brought up that the HCDCC should get the grass roots organization to send updates on how the Congresspersons and Senators are voting and what their records are, so that voters will have more information to make their votes on issues that will effect their lives. 
Old Business — Nicki Schumacher thanked the Democrats that have been providing food and serving at the Soup Kitchen.  They include Debbie Nelms, Brad Heese, Dee Holzel, John Feraday, Roger Rock, Holly James in the Dec. and Jan. efforts.  The next date for the Soup Kitchen will be Feb. 22, 2009.
Don Rogers presented the Democrats with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Nevada Outdoors School’s AmeriCorps Program for participaption in the 2009 cultural fair.  Don Rogers and Nicki Schumacher registered new voters at that event.
K.C. Harrison suggested that next meeting agenda should include discussion on getting canidates to run for Congressional and Senatorial office in the 2010 election.
Next meeting to be held on May 13th, 2009 at location to be announced.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm. Moved by Don Rogers. Seconded by Nicki Schumacher.
Attending were:  Roger Rock, Gordon Schumacher, Nicki Schumacher, Patrick Henigen, Don Rogers, Dee Holzel, Micheal Micheals, Lorainne Giurlani, K.C. Harrison.