Further Debunking GOP Claims, Small Businesses Say Tax Bill Won’t Bring Benefits to Workers

While corporations are enjoying a permanent tax cut which has mainly benefited their shareholders, small businesses also say the law has done little to even the playing field by Julia Conley, staff writer at Common Dreams Just a few months after President

Democrats Showing Steel Backbones

Tired of getting nowhere with convincing Senator McConnell to allow a vote on a bill to force disclosure of Trump’s financial holdings, Senator RonWyden placed a hold on Trump’s Treasury nominee until the administration discloses Trump’s financial dealings w/ Russia:

The Republican Speaker of the House on the Fiduciary Rule

The Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule is a Rule, created by the Obama DOL, that is scheduled to be phased in April 10, 2017 – Jan. 1, 2018. In simple terms, it expands the “investment advice fiduciary” definition under the Employee Retirement Income Security

Donald Trump Still Dodging Disclosure on Tax Returns

With nine days left in the election, Donald Trump and his campaign have made it clear that he will continue to buck long-standing precedent and keep his tax returns hidden from American voters. Governor Mike Pence and Kellyanne Conway were both confronted

Hillary Clinton Announces New Details of Middle Class Tax Cut Plan

Clinton Commits to Doubling the Child Tax Credit for Young Children, and Expanding it Further for Middle-Class Families As part of her plan to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, Hillary Clinton is announcing today

Congress Passes Puerto Rico Debt Legislation, President Obama Signs Sill into Law

Yesterday, President Barack Obama signed PROMESA (Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act) into law, just one day before the July 1st deadline where Puerto Rico is expected to default on $2 billion of debt, including $800 million of Constitutionally backed

IRS Opens Up Form 990 Data, Ushering Nonprofit Sector into the Age of Transparency

— by Alex Howard Making meaningful improvements to how the federal government uses the internet can take years, new laws, regulations, demonstration projects, testimony and dogged persistence by public interest advocates and reformers in the pursuit of change. Then, all at once,

It Is Time to Phase Out 9 Unnecessary Oil and Gas Tax Breaks

Download the report:  PDF The investment tax credit, or ITC, and production tax credit, or PTC, for clean energy have played an essential role in expediting the deployment of wind, solar, and other forms of clean energy in the United States. In